HI! This is my site. Mommy helps me with it so that all our Isaac-starved relatives can see me anytime they want.
As of May, 2006, I am over 36lb and over 3 feet tall. Mommy is desperately trying to teach me how to hold her hand as I walk beside her, as she cannot carry me and the baking baby sister at the same time.
I'm starting to use words!! Here's what I've learned: Mama, Dada,Na-Na (night-night), Ba-Ba (Bye-Bye), Up, On, Ooooh!, Whoa!, Bam (ball), Ouch!, Tat (cat), Gog (dog), What's that?, Henoe (Hello), plus I can make animal sounds for a sheep, cow, cat, dog, bird, and horse (although I'm convinced that horses say "moo!") I will also try to copy what Mommy and Daddy say, sometimes.

Saturday, April 30, 2005
 These were actually taken a couple nights ago, but isn't my Daddy cool? I love him a lot.
 Love my daddy.....so much!
Cranky today
Today was not a good day for me. I'm mad at everything. I woke up when it was still dark out, and was SO hungry! Mommy fed me, but it was still really hard to go back to sleep. I didn't sleep long, so Daddy got up with me that time. I didn't like napping today either...... ....but I was a good boy when Mommy took me to Meijer to get baby food. I got to sit up in the cart like a big boy!! It was my first time sitting in the cart...you can see A LOT more up there.....
Okay, I'm going to bed, I'm SO TIRED.....
Friday, April 29, 2005
My new trick
I did a strange thing today. When trying to back up, I found myself up on all fours a couple times. Not sure what I should do with this new trick, but Mommy and Daddy think I'll figure it out before long. Mommy tried, but couldn't get a picture of it. Maybe next time.
Thursday, April 28, 2005
Bath Time for Babies!
 I like it when Daddy gives me a bubble bath....
 Oooh! Bubbles! My Bubbles!
 Am I cool, or what?
Tuesday, April 26, 2005
Eight Month Pictures
 We took my Eight Month Giraffe Picture today. Mommy was going to dress me in a more summery outfit with a giraffe on it, but Brrr! It's just too cold out. And really, I just wanted to play, and why should I make this easy for Mommy?
 Sometimes I feel shy and turn away at the last moment...
 This one was the best Mommy could get....I was WIGGLY!!
Monday, April 25, 2005
 We didn't do much to celebrate my eight month birthday, just hung around and played a bit
Eight Months today!!
I turned eight months old today!! Mommy hasn't take my picture with Geoffrey yet, but she said she will either today or tomorrow....she's really tired since she was up reading too late last night. reading looks like fun.....I can't wait 'til I can read! Right now I just like to bite on the books....but Mommy won't let me...
Thursday, April 21, 2005
By "cheek" I mean my face, not the other kind of cheek....heehee
 Between 2pm and 5:30 pm, I had a rash/welts like this all over my right cheek and right thigh and hip. By 5:40, this was all that was left to it. It didn't bother me much, but Mommy was a little worried it might be a reaction to the shots.
I hate shots
Taking the shots isn't so bad. The day after, however, is not good. I just don't feel good! and I want to be with Mommy- All.The.Time. And it is hard to nap, because I just don't feel good! And to top it off, something maybe bit me during my last nap! I have a bump on my face. Maybe I'll feel better tomorrow.
Wednesday, April 20, 2005
Oh yeah, one more thing....
The doc said my ears looked great! No more medicine-yeah! However, I will be requesting tylenol until I feel better from the shots. Also, I weigh 24lb and 10 ounces!! ME BIG BOY!!
 I know, not my most flattering shot, but this was the best Mommy could get of my new teeth. She was very helpful and circled the first three new ones, with an arrow pointing to the fourth that popped through today. That makes SIX teeth! (the other two are on the bottom, all alone. Mommy especially enjoys it when I grind my teeth together. She says it feels like someone is shaking her spine....wonder what that means?
 I got shots today :( I was tough though and didn't even cry! I just complained a little, Mommy picked me up, gave me Duda, and all was right with the world. I'm a little cranky, but not so much that I could have a good wrassle with my toy. This thing is THE BEST for wrassling.
Tuesday, April 19, 2005
 Mmmm.....Banana & Wild Blueberry....thank you Gerber!!
 Yeah! It's warm and sunny here today! Over 80! Mom says it's a bit too warm for her, but I LOVE IT!!
Friday, April 15, 2005
Napping is overrated
Even though Mom has proof that I do nap, I really feel that two hour naps are not needed. That is why lately, I'll only nap for 45 minutes. I think the yummy medicine I'm on might be giving me a tummy ache......
 Here I am, napping on Duda (like Buda, but with a D). I like Duda a lot. He is my favorite. He get's washed often, due to the fact that get's "stuff" on him a lot, since he is always near me. He also works great as a pillow.
 This whole sitting up thing, it's still prettty cool.
Thursday, April 14, 2005
 Mmmm.....Biter Bisquits!!
Wednesday, April 13, 2005
Feeling a bit better now, thanks
Well, after a trip to the emergency room Friday night for my ouchy ear infection, I'm feeling better now. I still have a temp of 100.1, but that is better than 102.
I'm still not napping well, but that might be the teething, as I am cutting THREE top teeth, all at once!
Tuesday, April 12, 2005
What a big boy!
 This weekend, I started sitting up all by myself!
Sunday, April 10, 2005
Creative Sleeping by The Boy
 Really, Mom, it's quite comfortable!
 What the??
Saturday, April 09, 2005
Yeah Jumperoo!
 I love my Jumperoo!! Weeeeee!
Friday, April 01, 2005
Easter Sunday
 Here I am Easter Sunday (after church). There's a creek over here to my right.....see it, it's really pretty.....mmmm....water........What? Huh? Look at the camera?? nah.......ooohhh.....water......