Thursday, September 29, 2005
Just so you know
Mommy says our computer has a cold, and so it's been really hard for her to put new pictures of me on the computer. Something about "not having enough time in the day to waste an hour just to download a few pictures". She also says she'll try again later today, if she has the chance. Sorry! She does have a really cool video of me to show you too! I hope our computer gets well soon....
Monday, September 19, 2005
This Weekend
Paw Paw Eddie and Grandma Sue came to visit this weekend. Here are some pictures of my big moments!

Grandma Sue was baiting me, trying to get me to get my toy....she's tricky that way!

Walking!!! (with Doodah in tow)

A good naked climb up the stairs for my bath!

Some splashing and bathing....

Some climbing (Mommy's a little concerned about my insistence of climbing everything)

Some cuddling

More walking...

And more climbing.
Friday, September 16, 2005

Lately, Mommy and Daddy say they want their old boy back. I am really cranky lately (except for yesterday, when I was my old self, an early birthday gift for Mommy)....usually, I spend my time like this:

Getting into things I know I shouldn't....

Whining some more
We went camping last weekend for the last time this year. I'm a little sad about that, but we get to camp next summer some more!

Mommy says just because we are camping doesn't mean we have to be filthy all the time. Just most of the time ;)

Here I am in my beach cabana. Had I stayed in here the whole time, I wouldn't have done the face plant into the sand

Like my mohawk? Mommy figures since the sunscreen makes my hair all greasy, we might as well have fun with it.

I did a face-plant into the sand. Mommy wanted photo documentation.

When Mommy first started taking my giraffe pictures, I was barely up to Geoffrey's shoulder. I'm a big boy now!
Thursday, September 15, 2005

Mommy says if you're family, you'll be recieving your alloted picture as soon as she gets them. For some reason, the online ones came a week earlier. Once you get said picture, if you'd like to order more, you may email her to get the link and pass word.

I love a good Isaac-sized chair!
Wednesday, September 14, 2005

Can you believe I'm 1?

Look at those teeth!

Am I dressed smartly, or what?
Thursday, September 08, 2005

This is a blade of grass. I somehow ingested it on Sunday afternoon at an openhouse we were at. An hour later I had a sneezing fit (like 10-15 sneezes), and them Mommy noticed this coming out of my nose. Yes, I sneezed forth a four-inch blade of grass. You can clap in amazement now.

Mostly though, I've felt tired and cranky and my mouth aches. My gums have been swollen where my molars are trying to come through, but yesterday mommy noticed white spots where my eye teeth will be, also. No wonder I want to bite everything!

We went to the park again the other day. I still love swinging. Mommy's not sure why it was blurry though.

Mommy finds it a little ironic that I just had a birthday, recieved oodles of gifts, and instead of playing with them, I steal plastic cups from the cupboard.