Monday, October 31, 2005
Highlights from Ohio
Let's see, there's me playing in my play yard, and Auntie Michelle's doggie Ella hanging out with Grandpa. The one where I'm sitting in the rocking chair-that was my great-grandma's rocking chair when she was a girl. There's Grandma trying really hard to get me to dance...hehe. And me playing with a Mrs. Beasley doll, which is just plain funny if you know us personally. If not, trust me-it's funny! And Auntie Michelle's cat Thomas, who was very patient with me while I tried to pet him. He only hissed at me once all week. And me playing with Ella, which was a lot of fun! She actually liked playing with me too!
Wednesday, October 19, 2005
See, I have been busy!
I've been climbing, and having my first sucker, and walking like a pro! I've also discovered the bottom drawer of my dresser, which is quite fun to climb in and out should try it sometime! Mommy says she's been in a bloggy slump lately, but she'll get more pictures up soon. Also, we'll be out of town next week, so I don't think we'll be able to put update the pictures.
Friday, October 07, 2005
Fun Fun Fun!
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Proof that I'm walking
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Really, who needs toys?
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Hehe! Now that I'm walking, Mommy got out my popper that I got for my birthday!


Umph! That was quite a task!

Ah! Success is mine!
Wednesday, October 05, 2005


Chewing on things still! My first molar FINALLY broke through yesterday. I've been fighting with them since August!

I've been getting into a lot of things....
Our computer's up and working again. Mommy just says we'll have to work with what we've got.