Sunday, January 22, 2006
Auntie Jen and Uncle Keith came to visit us a couple weekends ago, because we didn't get to see them over Christmas. It was a lot of fun to spend time with them, and they read to me a lot. I want them to come again soon!

They gave me some great books for Christmas. This one is filled with different things and has the name of each thing next to it. I love it, and drive Mommy and Daddy nuts with it! heehee!

I was so happy to find more people to read to me!!

Auntie Jen and Uncle Keith spent a good amount of time reading to me during their visit. Unfortunately, we didn't get any pictures of just Uncle Keith and me.
Here are some random pictures that Mommy thought were cute:

Before scrambling the eggs, you must first chew on the pan...

Please, can we play?? Please!!!

Would someone please get this bag OFF me?!

Daddy got me this Elmo balloon when we went shopping. Now he can't take me near the balloon section (haha!).
Thursday, January 19, 2006
Just so you know
Mommy says she promises to update the blog this weekend, but we've all been quite sick with a head/chest cold that we got from our buddies, the Aldermans. Mommy has already thanked them! Mama's feeling much better now, so she will tackle the updating this weekend!
Wednesday, January 04, 2006
I had to flu over Christmas, with all it's ickiness. That didn't stop me from ripping open gifts and traveling, though! Here's some pictures from Christmas and our Christmas Tour.

After checking out my new kitchen, I went and sat in my new chair. Mommy made it for me! Well, she refinished it for me.

Granny Diana gave me a kitchen set for Chirstmas!! Isn't it cool! I really like it!

Here I am unwrapping my talking Elmo. He know's my name!!

I really liked my little Elmo See 'N' Say.

Granny got me some new puzzles, too. It didn't take long for me to start matching up the pieces.

I got a Weemote for Christmas, but Mommy and Daddy say I don't get to use it whenever I want. (they get a little bossy, sometimes!)

I was still felling pretty sick, and so Mommy and Daddy let me veg with some juice in my new chair with my Elmo.
The day after Christmas we left for our "Christmas tour". The first stop was Great-grandma Beasley's house, where we saw Paw Paw Eddie, Grandma Sue, and all the rest of Daddy's family.

Here's me and Mommy cuddling.

Here's me and Paw Paw playing at Great-Grandma's house.

I really liked playing with Great-Auntie Deb's hair.
The last stop on the Christmas tour was to Oma and Grandpa's (Mommy's mommy and daddy). I still was't feeling great, but there were no "accidents" in the car, and we were all happier for it!

Grandpa got a new tape measure from Santa for Christmas, and he showed me how it worked. Can I get one?

Hanging out with Auntie Michelle's dog, Ella

Sesame Street with "Oma"

I got a sled for Christmas from Oma (Grandma) and Grandpa, but there was no snow, so they pulled me around indoors.

Me and Daddy watched some Sesame Street together...I still wasn't feeling so great. Mommy said we needed another pattern in this picture...I'm not sure what she means.
Our friends, the Alderman's came to visit us for New Year's weekend.

Lily was constantly getting into my new chair, and so a couple of times, I had to dive in from the side. Mostly though, we played nicely together.

Daddy was so PROUD when I picked up Pete's XBox controller.

Since Dala was reading to Lily, I insisted that Daddy read to me.

Hello Pete!

It was fun to mess with Pete while he tried to watch TV.

Here's a good picture of Lily..isn't she cute?