Wednesday, May 17, 2006
Mommy says she's not sure why the thumbnails aren't working, but if you click on it, you should see the picture. Hopefully, this will fix itself, it does sometimes.
Mommy says these pictures are from the middle of March until now, and so this should make several picture-hungry relatives very happy!

I love a good box!!!

Mommy and Daddy are letting me feed myself these days. Mac and Cheese can get messy!

I love my chair!

I know it doesn't look comfy, but it really is.

Here, have some carrot. They're good for you!

Wow! Mommy says I'll probably be this tall some day!

Like my new clothes? Mommy and Oma got some good deals, they said!!

Wait up, Grandpa! Your legs are much longer than me! (See, I get my size from both sides of the family!!)

Since I was sick on Easter, I just wanted to lay around.

Here I am feeding Grandma Sue on Easter. I was sick with the flu for Easter (yes, the year of sickness continues!), so sometimes I was cheerful, but mostly I wasn't.

Vegging out while I watch some Sesame Street.

This pic's for Bubby!!

Here's the brand new playscape in the town where Grandpa and Oma live. It was a lot of fun!!

Mommy couldn't get me to look up, but this tube was a lot of fun!

This was one of several slides at the playscape.

These are so cool!


Mommy says she loves this picture, and wants to use it on my blog, somehow.

I wanted to see how Uncle Keith looked in my cool shades.

Grandma Diana got me these very cool sunglasses! I love them, and will actually keep them on, for a while. can I get in there?

We visited Lily and her baby brother over Spring Break, too.

Here I am at Grandma Diana's during Spring Break.

This is from a couple weeks ago, when I had an ear infection. Mommy actually rocked me to sleep, and I slept on the couch for an hour!