HI! This is my site. Mommy helps me with it so that all our Isaac-starved relatives can see me anytime they want.

As of May, 2006, I am over 36lb and over 3 feet tall. Mommy is desperately trying to teach me how to hold her hand as I walk beside her, as she cannot carry me and the baking baby sister at the same time.

I'm starting to use words!! Here's what I've learned: Mama, Dada,Na-Na (night-night), Ba-Ba (Bye-Bye), Up, On, Ooooh!, Whoa!, Bam (ball), Ouch!, Tat (cat), Gog (dog), What's that?, Henoe (Hello), plus I can make animal sounds for a sheep, cow, cat, dog, bird, and horse (although I'm convinced that horses say "moo!") I will also try to copy what Mommy and Daddy say, sometimes.

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Thursday, June 15, 2006

We stayed at my Grandma Diana's last weekend. Mommy wasn't feeling very well, so this is the only picture she got. I was loving the fish tanks.

link | posted by Denise B. at 3:39 PM
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Mommy has seen this face and much worse quite a bit lately. She says she's getting closer to God these days. Something to do with patience, whatever that is.

link | posted by Denise B. at 3:39 PM
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I never knew a "Moo" was this big? Who woulda thought? (Mommy and Daddy were a little embarrassed because when they took me into the barn, all I could say was "Moo! Moo! Moo!")

link | posted by Denise B. at 3:37 PM
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Mr. Potato Head ears aren't just for Mr. Potato Head anymore!

link | posted by Denise B. at 3:36 PM
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Memorial Day Weekend

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link | posted by Denise B. at 3:30 PM
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