HI! This is my site. Mommy helps me with it so that all our Isaac-starved relatives can see me anytime they want.

As of May, 2006, I am over 36lb and over 3 feet tall. Mommy is desperately trying to teach me how to hold her hand as I walk beside her, as she cannot carry me and the baking baby sister at the same time.

I'm starting to use words!! Here's what I've learned: Mama, Dada,Na-Na (night-night), Ba-Ba (Bye-Bye), Up, On, Ooooh!, Whoa!, Bam (ball), Ouch!, Tat (cat), Gog (dog), What's that?, Henoe (Hello), plus I can make animal sounds for a sheep, cow, cat, dog, bird, and horse (although I'm convinced that horses say "moo!") I will also try to copy what Mommy and Daddy say, sometimes.

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Monday, February 13, 2006

I tried to make a break for the road, but I just can't move that fast in my snow gear!

link | posted by Denise B. at 1:19 PM
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Mommy freaked out a little when Daddy let me go down the hill all by myself, but I loved it!

link | posted by Denise B. at 1:19 PM
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Hey, this snow stuff isn't so bad, especially when I get to ride in the sled!

link | posted by Denise B. at 1:18 PM
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My sled was slippery, and so I had a hard time sitting up!

link | posted by Denise B. at 1:17 PM
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Once I got the hang of the boots, I could get around pretty well. My mittens got soaked, though!

link | posted by Denise B. at 1:16 PM
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This is one of Mommy's favorite pictures of the day.

link | posted by Denise B. at 1:16 PM
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Mommy says she can't believe it's been nearly a month since we put anything on my blog, but it has been a very rough month, and with my hospital visit and Mommy feeling really bad, too, we just haven't been up to it. But we will be updating in the next few days. We have pictures of me in the snow from before I got really sick, and pictures of me in the hospital, too, because Mommy wanted photo documentation, whatever that is.

link | posted by Denise B. at 1:02 PM
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