HI! This is my site. Mommy helps me with it so that all our Isaac-starved relatives can see me anytime they want.
As of May, 2006, I am over 36lb and over 3 feet tall. Mommy is desperately trying to teach me how to hold her hand as I walk beside her, as she cannot carry me and the baking baby sister at the same time.
I'm starting to use words!! Here's what I've learned: Mama, Dada,Na-Na (night-night), Ba-Ba (Bye-Bye), Up, On, Ooooh!, Whoa!, Bam (ball), Ouch!, Tat (cat), Gog (dog), What's that?, Henoe (Hello), plus I can make animal sounds for a sheep, cow, cat, dog, bird, and horse (although I'm convinced that horses say "moo!") I will also try to copy what Mommy and Daddy say, sometimes.

Tuesday, May 24, 2005
 Help! I've fallen and I can't get up!
Monday, May 23, 2005
 This is me and Buttercrunch, as I promised last week. I like him a lot, I hope Duda likes him. And yes, my nose is orange. Despite earnest efforts of Mommy and Daddy to give me equal servings of green and orange veggies, the orange ones have won.
 This is from Saturday, Mommy took it because she thought I looked so sweet. And yes, that is my right sock in my left hand. I love taking off my right sock (yes, specifically the right one) and sometimes chewing on it.
Wednesday, May 18, 2005
 Isn't Auntie Michelle pretty? She brought me a new giraffe (company for Geoffrey) named Buttercrunch. I'll show you him later.
 Hello Mommy! Did you know I have TWO new teeth??
 Hm....what's in here??
An Exciting Week, at least, for an almost 9-month-old
Well, Mommy's been suspecting that I have more teeth coming through, so she's been checking my upper gums pretty often. So, imagine her surprise when she did a quick sweep of both the top and the bottom and discovered that one more had broken through down there and another was quickly behind it. Those bottom twofies give no warning bump or anything, they just pop on through. That was Monday. Then, Auntie Michelle surprised us with a visit yesterday, and stayed overnight, too. She watched me this morning while Mommy and Daddy went someplace really early in the morning, poor Mommy seemed so tired when I woke up at noon. But yesterday, Mommy caught me at my newest trick, pulling myself up into the sitting position. I've been able to sit for quite a while now, but once I fell over, I was down. Now I can pull myself back up again! YEAH!!!
Sunday, May 15, 2005
Grandpa Dick and Grandma Sandy Visited this Weekend
 Grandma Sandy makes me laugh SO hard!!  Grandpa Dick is a pretty big guy, I guess. I don't look so big when compared to him!  Here's photo evidence that I'm getting up on all fours!! Grandma helped me this time, but I do it by myself, too.  Grandma Sandy is SO funny! She loved making me laugh!  I woke up with a cold on Sunday morning, but I still liked hanging out with Grandpa.
Friday, May 13, 2005
 You know, Mommy does have OTHER things to do besides take my picture all the time. Although, taking my picture is one of her favorite things to do! There will be more this weekend, since Grandpa Dick and Grandma Sandy are visiting. Stay tuned....
Wednesday, May 11, 2005
 Here I am on Mother's Day telling Auntie Jen about my Learning Ball. You know, it plays all sorts of music, and does the ABCs! It's one of my favorite toys.
Tuesday, May 10, 2005
 Here Kitty-Kitty! I'm not sure why none of our kitties will play with me. Once in while they come close and I can grab at them and show them how much I love them, but they don't seem to understand me. I wonder why?
Sunday, May 08, 2005
 Here is my sweety, Lily. We spent the whole weekend at her house. Mommy didn't get any new pictues of us (she was too tired to think, she said), but this is from a month ago, when Lily and her Mommy & Daddy visited us. She's six months older, but I'm bigger by three pounds.
Friday, May 06, 2005
Sorry, no pictures this weekend!
I'm visiting my "betrothed", if she gives me permission, I'll show you some pictures of her on Monday! She's really cute!
Thursday, May 05, 2005
 Good Morning!! I'm happy 'cause I'm sleeping through the night again! (Mommy is, too......happy AND sleeping through the night again!)
Monday, May 02, 2005
 I was so riled Sunday afternoon that Daddy brought me downstairs nekked. He couldn't even get a diaper on my I was so wiggly. I thoroughly enjoyed being nekked. (the red patches are eczema...pesky stuff!)
 Yep, Nekked Sunday, gotta love it. (Mommy blurred the focus to protect me from total humiliation)