Wednesday, August 31, 2005

A tisket, a tasket, a baby in a basket!
Thursday, August 25, 2005
My Birthday Party Vacation
We spent five nights at my Grandma and Grandpa Hunt's house last week, and on Saturday, we celebrated my first birthday! Even though my birthday wasn't until today. We had a lot of fun, and I got to see my whole family*: all my aunts and uncles, cousins, grandparents, and Aldermans. (hello my sweet Lily!) My Cousin/Uncle Bubby even brought some of his friends along. There were thirteen people sleeping at my grandparents' house!
We had a really good time, but as you will see, the day of the party was really quite hot. So that's why everyone is sweating.
The following Sunday, I got dedicated at my parents' old church "back home" (as they call it). Being dedicated means that they promise to bring me up to love Jesus. Unfortunately, Mommy doesn't have any pictures of that yet, they are all on Grandpa's camera.
So, here are the highlights, enjoy!
*UPDATE: I made a mistake and forgot that my Aunt Deb & Uncle Larry, and my Great-Grandma Beasley couldn't be there, but I got to see them the next day, anyway!

The day before my party was my Auntie Michelle's birthday. Can you believe she's 42? She looks much too young, I think.

Mommy found this garage at a garage sale (funny, huh?). I liked climbing it best.

I spent a lot of time hanging out with Grandpa. He's pretty cool, and I love him a lot.

I had to have a bath and be clean the night before my party. Would you like to play with this toy?
The day of my birthday party was very hot and sticky. Unfortunately, Grandma and Grandpa don't have air conditioning, and so we (around 25 of us) were all very hot and sticky as well. Despite the weather (and it was much cooler the next day!) we had a good time.

Can someone help me get this hat off?

This is me and my cousin Ashley. Do you like my party hat?

Mommy and Daddy got me this car thing. You can ride on it or push it, and it has a place to store your stuff under the seat....pretty cool!

One of my favorite gifts was this boy...VERY interesting. By the way, if you are wondering, the look on Mommy's face is saying, "Good Grief it is HOT in this house, can I sweat any more?" It was really hot that day, I mean REALLY HOT. Africa hot.

I can't do football season with Daddy without the appropriate attire.

Lily and I, well, mostly me, played with my new car thingy. Mommy and Daddy are hoping it will help me learn to walk.

Uncle Ryan, is this ALL for me?

You know, cake is REALLY good! Mmmm.....cake.

We were going to go home Sunday night, but Daddy said it was just too much driving, and so we stayed an extra night. Mommy took this picture while I was in the backyard at Grandma and Grandpa's.

The last day we were at Grandma and Grandpa's, I showed Grandma how to crawl. She had a hard time keeping up with me ;)
Tuesday, August 16, 2005
Just Hanging Around
Lot's have happenend since I've been home from camping. I've been to the doctor's TWICE! Once for an infection in the....uh...diaper area....and then because yesterday I REALLY didn't feel well. I cried and cried and cried, for like twenty minutes, and Mommy and Daddy were worried, because I don't ever cry like that. Mommy thought I had tummy cramps, since I've been making atomic diapers for like three days now. She was right. My doctor said either I have a little stomach virus, or my molars that are about to bust through are causing it. I'm drooling a lot lately (as you can see in the recent pictures), too. Since Mommy and Daddy haven't gotten sick, they think it's the teething. Teething is really no fun, who thought this up, anyway?
But, this weekend is my very first birthday party!!! I am so excited. I get to see ALL of my grandparents, and aunts and uncles and even Cousin-Uncle Bubby, too! He's bringing some friends too, so there will be a lot of people at my party! I hope I'm feeling better before then. Daddy bought some special formula for me, to help with the atomic diapers.
By the way, when we were at the doctors, we learned that I am over 27 lb. and 32 inches tall. I am now half the height of my mommy.

Weee! This is my favorite way to swing!

Mommy calls me a ham because I smile when I see the camera!

Hi Daddy, what are you doing out there?

As you can see here, I have my drum sticks from my Bee-Bop Band set. Mommy and Daddy just decided I was old enough to play with them. I'm usually crawling around with at least one, if not both, of them.

Here's my Eleven Month giraffe always, it was quite the adventure for Mommy and Daddy.
Tuesday, August 09, 2005
Our Vacation
If you didn't know it, we spent this whole last week camping. It was a lot of fun. We went with our best buddies, the Aldermans, and two other families. Here are some pictures of the stuff we did. I can't wait for next year, when I can walk!

I was really excited to go camping! This is me on the way there.

Here's our campsite before it started raining Saturday night.

We sat around the camp fire a lot. I'm sitting with some friends here.


I also played in the "baby cage" as Mommy called it. For some reason, she didn't want me crawling through the dirt all the time.

We went for lots of bike rides, and so I got to ride in my trailor a lot.

This big thing is at a park in the town near where we camped.

While we were at Mackinaw City, I took Lily's shoe and chewed on it for a while....what? I was bored!

Here's Lily and I together, getting ready for the trip to Mackinaw city.

Daddy gave me a bottle while we were at the park in Mackinaw. We stayed to see the lights on the bridge. (you can see that picture on Mommy's blog.)

Here's me with Mommy and Daddy at Mackinaw.

Here's the whole group of us at Mackinaw.

This is Karen French. You can't really tell in this picture, but she's going to have a baby in a few months. Then she'll have three sons.

Me and Daddy playing in the camper. It was REALLY hot that day.

This is the Lake Huron, near where we camped.

Here I am sitting with Terry French. He and his wife and their boys camped with us too. They're really nice people.

I really like Daddy a lot. Sometimes I want him more than Mommy now. Mommy says she's mostly okay with that.

It's hard to tell, but this is a bald eagle that flew right over us when we were at the beach. Pretty cool, eh?

The water was kind of cold, and like my daddy, I don't really like cold water. Mommy got tired of listening to us BOTH cry when we got into the water. (She loves cold water...wierdo!)

If you look closely, you can see Daddy refected in my shades!

I know they look really cool, but I only kept them on for a little while.

How cute am I?

Here's my Mommy and me. Mmm...rubber frizbee.

Once Mommy finally let me go in the sand, it was a lot of fun. I only tried eating a rock once, too!

Since Lily can walk now, I spent a lot of time crawling after her. Sometimes she was nice enough to wait for me!

Lily let me play with her beach toys, while her and her Mom played in the water.

I really liked playing on the beach!

Here's Lily and her Mommy playing in the water.

Here's our campsite on our last day, before Mommy and Daddy packed up completely.

Here I am during the car ride home. I didn't sleep much that day, and didn't get to bed until 10:30!