HI! This is my site. Mommy helps me with it so that all our Isaac-starved relatives can see me anytime they want.
As of May, 2006, I am over 36lb and over 3 feet tall. Mommy is desperately trying to teach me how to hold her hand as I walk beside her, as she cannot carry me and the baking baby sister at the same time.
I'm starting to use words!! Here's what I've learned: Mama, Dada,Na-Na (night-night), Ba-Ba (Bye-Bye), Up, On, Ooooh!, Whoa!, Bam (ball), Ouch!, Tat (cat), Gog (dog), What's that?, Henoe (Hello), plus I can make animal sounds for a sheep, cow, cat, dog, bird, and horse (although I'm convinced that horses say "moo!") I will also try to copy what Mommy and Daddy say, sometimes.

Tuesday, August 16, 2005
Just Hanging Around
Lot's have happenend since I've been home from camping. I've been to the doctor's TWICE! Once for an infection in the....uh...diaper area....and then because yesterday I REALLY didn't feel well. I cried and cried and cried, for like twenty minutes, and Mommy and Daddy were worried, because I don't ever cry like that. Mommy thought I had tummy cramps, since I've been making atomic diapers for like three days now. She was right. My doctor said either I have a little stomach virus, or my molars that are about to bust through are causing it. I'm drooling a lot lately (as you can see in the recent pictures), too. Since Mommy and Daddy haven't gotten sick, they think it's the teething. Teething is really no fun, who thought this up, anyway? But, this weekend is my very first birthday party!!! I am so excited. I get to see ALL of my grandparents, and aunts and uncles and even Cousin-Uncle Bubby, too! He's bringing some friends too, so there will be a lot of people at my party! I hope I'm feeling better before then. Daddy bought some special formula for me, to help with the atomic diapers. By the way, when we were at the doctors, we learned that I am over 27 lb. and 32 inches tall. I am now half the height of my mommy.
link | posted by Denise B. at 12:34 PM