Thursday, August 10, 2006
Highlights from the county xfair
Why didn't anyone tell me that cows were so big?
Wednesday, July 26, 2006
A Whirlwind since June
Okay, so, Mommy said she wasn't bothering to caption all these, she didn't have that much time. But we've spend a lot of time with the Alderman clan (that's my sweet Lily's family) lately, so many of these pictures are of us at their house and camping with them. It was REALLY hot the weekend we camped. I mean HOT, Africa hot, which is why Pete looks so wonderful and happy in his picture. Lily and I played a lot in the "pen", which made our Mommies and Daddies very happy. There's a picture of me with Lily's little brother, Adam. (Mommy says: he was born with spina bifida, and so the shadow you see on his head is his shunt). I really liked Adam a lot, Mommy had to remind me to be gentle with him a lot. I don't know what the problem is with me helping him bounce in his bouncer! I also enjoyed hanging our in the dog bed at Lily's grandpa's house. Then Lily had to join me. Over all, we've had a busy summer. And since I'm working on my 2-year molars, I have not been in the best of moods lately.
We'll be moving this weekend, and so I'll soon have pictures of me in my new house, and my new room. Although Mommy says those might be a while, since she has some painting and closet building to do in there first. Hope she hurries!!
I'm learning new words everyday: yesterday was "Tiger". Also, Mommy and Daddy are thrilled that I'm learning letters and numbers already!! I know ten or so letters and two or three numbers. They said something about Sesame Street being the best. Okay, I think that's it....hope you like them!
Thursday, June 15, 2006

We stayed at my Grandma Diana's last weekend. Mommy wasn't feeling very well, so this is the only picture she got. I was loving the fish tanks.

Mommy has seen this face and much worse quite a bit lately. She says she's getting closer to God these days. Something to do with patience, whatever that is.

I never knew a "Moo" was this big? Who woulda thought? (Mommy and Daddy were a little embarrassed because when they took me into the barn, all I could say was "Moo! Moo! Moo!")

Mr. Potato Head ears aren't just for Mr. Potato Head anymore!
Memorial Day Weekend
Wednesday, May 17, 2006
Mommy says she's not sure why the thumbnails aren't working, but if you click on it, you should see the picture. Hopefully, this will fix itself, it does sometimes.
Mommy says these pictures are from the middle of March until now, and so this should make several picture-hungry relatives very happy!

I love a good box!!!

Mommy and Daddy are letting me feed myself these days. Mac and Cheese can get messy!

I love my chair!

I know it doesn't look comfy, but it really is.

Here, have some carrot. They're good for you!